Contact Us

    Important Disclaimer: This website ( is not affiliated with Starbucks Partner Hours.

    Starbucks Partner Hours Logo

    It is designed solely to offer unofficial guides and resources for navigating Starbucks Partner Hours.

    Filling out the “Contact Us” form will connect you with this website (, which will then provide references to official Starbucks Partner Hours guides whenever possible.

    A Letter from Emily Johnson

    Hi there! I'm Emily Johnson, your friendly guide to all things Starbucks Partner Hours! Feeling short on shifts or need some extra flexibility? You've come to the right place!

    This guide is your one-stop shop for navigating Starbucks Partner Hours. We'll break down how to find available shifts, sign up for "Starbucks Partner" opportunities at other stores, and make the most of your scheduling options.

    In this space, I'll be your partner in maximizing your hours and your time. We'll explore requesting time off, managing your availability, and using Partner Hours to fit your needs.

    So, grab a cup of your favorite Starbucks beverage, and let's get started! Let's craft your ideal work schedule together.

    Sincerely, Emily Johnson.